Monday, May 9, 2011

Day 30 - Elvis' Favorite Theme Songs

So Day 30 on the list was supposed to be "My favorite song this time last year", but that seemed lame to me. So I'm changing it to my favorite theme song. Now the real question is do I make it a TV, a movie, or a wrestling theme. It's the last day, so what the hell, here's all 3. My favorite TV theme is from a show that I literally grew up watching and basically ended up being part of a "Cheers" like bar at the Half Penny Pub of Sayville. So here's the theme from "Cheers", the extended version.

My favorite Movie theme song is from a movie that I love til this day. Here's Ray Parker, Jr with "Ghostbusters"

Last, but not least, is my favorite wrestling theme song. It needs no introduction...

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day #27 A Song Alfred Wished he Knew how to Play.

The guitar is hard, I'm not going to lie. I wish I had more time to dedicate to learn this instrument properly. I just look on youtube on how to play certain songs that I want to learn. Its more just a thing I enjoy learning how to play for my own benefit, almost like its a form of  meditation and a way I can just unwind myself through the process itself.

 besides that, I don't have real aspirations of playing songs for people. Just for me. Just to say in conversations, "I enjoy learning how to play that song".

I wish i knew how play Gypsy Jazz guitar like  Django Reinhardt in Minor Swing. I really enjoy this song and it kinda reminds me of New Orleans. A place I fall in love with every time I go.

Day #26 A Song Alfred can play on an Instrument

  I play the drums, so in that I can play along to other songs. But the first song I'm learning how to play on the guitar is Bob Marley's, "Redemption Song". The version I like best is from...SURPRISE! SURPRISE! Joe Strummer and the Mescalleros. I can really make a whole blog dedicated to Joe Strummer, really.

He has also done a duet with Johnny Cash which is also a great song unto itself.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Day 29 - A Song from Elvis' Childhood

Is it weird that the Beach Boys are directly responsible for getting me into Punk Music? Well here's a song from the Beach Boys, "Surfin' USA" and, fuck it, here's the Pennywise version as well. It's a 2 for 1 kinda day!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Day 28 - Elvis' Favorite Song of the Past Year

Well this was supposed to be "A Song That Makes Me Feel Guilty", but that sounds like Guilty Pleasure all over again. So I changed it. Now it's "My Favorite Song of the Past Year". This is just a fun song and was quite good to see live. This is The Creepshow with "Hellbound" off of the album "They All Fall Down". Definitely one of my favorite bands I've discovered since starting the Elvis & Alfred Show.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Day #25 A Song That Makes Alfred Laugh

This a song that always makes me laugh, its also a song I am learning how to play on the guitar.

What's not to love?

Day #24 A Song Alfred wants Played at my Funeral

I Actually created a playlist to be played at my funeral. I don't want people to be listening to some crappy muzak that the Funeral home has playing for every other funeral services.

I've been to many services where the music, at least for me, can help with the mourning process.  The playlist i've created last about 3.5 hours, good enough for each viewing days.

"Fade into You" from Mazzy Star, is a great song that I believe can set the mood for a nice send off.

Day #23 A Song Played at Alfred's Wedding

I don't think I'm going to get married at the rate I'm going with my dating life, which is zero by the way. But reason as to why is neither here nor there.

I've always liked Van Morrision's, "Into the Mystic". I always have the record Moondance playing in the summer. The movie American Pie ruined it for me as they used it as the Wedding song for the main characters first dance, oh fucking well. I'll find another song eventually.

Day 27 - A Song Elvis Wishes He Could Play

As a bass player and big punk fan I consider Matt Freeman to be the best of the best when it comes to punk rock bassist. He's actually up there in my book for one of the best bassists overall too. Don't believe me, just watch this live version of Rancid's "Maxwell Murder". This solo is ridiculous and I don't think I could play this in my wildest dreams.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Day #22 A song that makes Alfred Sad.

  Here is a song from Damien Rice,  “Blowers Daughter” from the movie, Closer. I enjoy watching movies. ALLOT. My movie collection is almost as impressive as my music/vinyl collection.  I just really enjoy great story telling in my music, art, books, movies, and just by the people I hang out with. The  people I find myself spending most of my time with all have that same quality of being great story tellers.

Where am I going with this?

  I guess because of the way Closer was told as a story, I’m not going to get into it here, but I will say this. The way this song was used at the end of the movie was perfect. The very last scene with Natalie Portman’s character walking through the crowded streets in Manhattan really set the mood.

Day #21 A Song that makes Alfred Happy

Didn't we already fucking do this one?

Whatever you lazy Ass! Here we go again

If the song has a decent horn section or some sort of claps as an accent to it, guaranteed it's a song I’m going to instantly enjoy. Here is Spoon with, “The Underdog” that has both. I love this song it always can bring a smile. Back in 2007-08 this was the album that never left my car stereo.

Day 26 - A Song Elvis Can Play on an Instrument

I play my fair share of instruments at the mediocre level, but I'd say my best instrument is the bass guitar. I've been playing for a while now so I've learned a whole bunch of songs on it, but I'm gonna pick the one I've enjoyed playing the most. Even though most of the time I this song I played rhythm guitar and did vocals, but it was the most fun I had in my old band, Looking For Bettie. Who doesn't love a song where everyone gets to rock out? Here's "I'd Love to Change the World" from 10 Years After.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Day #20 A song that Alfred Listens to when He is Angry

  I listened to allot of metal and hardcore music in my teen years. It still resonates with me as I approach the later years of my thirties. It's funny to recall songs like the one below as one of the albums that was played at house parties with other metal heads and dirtbags storners that I knew in High school. To look back at those years and to reflect of how much angst and energy we all had in the 90's, is kinda funny now.

  Every now and again I'll bump into the people from my High School years that listen to the same music as I did. Being much older and starting our work lives in professional settings and to hear how some in more higher profile jobs then what was expected. Especially if it was the same people who way back in the day had everybody smoke out his/her homemade bong they fashioned from common household items, and talked about  never selling out, only to find out that they are now working in the Senate or being a entertainment Lawyer.

So with, Deftones from their 1995 album, Adrenaline, "7 Words". I'll play this and I'm instantly transported back to my formidable teen years and I'll do a little head bang and play some kick ass air guitar and laugh of how angry I used to be.

Now if I get angry i just violently drink an obscene amount of whiskey and usually say along the lines of ...."ehhh fuck It".

Day 24 - A Song Elvis Wants Played at His Funeral

Well this is a given. Here's an unique version of Bro Hymn performed by Pennywise and Friends. Check out Ice-T, the guys from Bad Religion, Rise Against, and a very hammered Fat Mike.

Day #19 A Song from Alfred's Favorite Album

This took me a LONG ass time to figure out. I can't just fucking pick one album and say, "THIS! THIS MOTHERFUCKER right HERE!, Is MY FAVORITE album of all time".

It can't be done.

I have so many to pick from:

Sonic Youth-GOO
Led Zepplin- III or even Houses of the Holy
Red Hot Chilli Peppers: Blood Sugar Sex Magic
Pantera- Vulgar Display of Power
David Bowie-Ziggy Stardust

For the sake with the challenge and just get on with the rest of the days that i still have to put up. I'm going to say that  The Clash 1977  Debut album is my favorite album. With the opening track Jani Jones as one of the songs off it.So many great songs from this album,"White Riot" , "Remote Control", "Whats My Name", this album is always on my iPod, and the album is framed and on my wall. Joe Strummer is one of my favorite Musicians, easily top 5. So here it performed Live of the first track Jani Jones.